Wild Hearts Equestrian Center has designed a lesson program that accommodates all riding disciplines. Programs center on the rider learning natural horse behaviors and motivators as well teaching riders to always be considerate of the horse and it’s needs. All lesson programs are targeted for the rider’s specific level of experience.  

Wild Heart Equestrian Center takes a wholistic approach to training its riders.  In addition to horsemanship, lessons also encourage students to gain independence with grooming, tacking, mounting as well as more advanced care and health.  

Wild Hearts Equestrian Center offers year-round lessons with opportunities in both indoor and outdoor arenas.   

Before joining a group lesson, each new student, from the very beginning to the most advanced riders, must participate in a mandatory evaluation lesson that provides instructors an assessment of the student’s level of experience.  This assessment also allows instructors to identify how each individual rider will benefit from more focused training within the group lesson environment.

Wild Hearts Equestrian Center offers the following lesson opportunities:  

Group Lessons:  

Group lessons are available to the riders that have sufficient experience to control the horse independently and are comfortable with sharing the arena with other riders and their horses. 

Private Lessons: 

Private lessons are designed for riders who are riding independently and want to focus extra attention on personal progression or specific disciplinary goals. 


PeeWee/Beginner lessons are designed for riders who have not yet had the opportunity to ride independently and/or have very limited experience.  These lessons focus mainly on grooming, tacking, the basics of riding, and the riders equitation.  Younger riders will  typically start on the lunge line in order to gain proper body control and become more familiar with the horse. 

Riders must be dressed appropriately.  Riders are expected to wear pants/jeans/breeches.  Riders should avoid wearing pants that have big jewels and/or buttons so that equipment can be protected from damage.  In addition, riders should wear a weather appropriate shirt or jacket and a boot with a heal.